Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Wow - it is so hard to get anything done besides just caring for our family right now!  I have all these blog posts floating around in my head and have not managed to get a single one posted.  I've probably forgotten half of them by now.  My dad was joking about not putting up any pictures of the 3rd child.  Well it is not because the pictures don't exist, we have a ton.  It's because the time to get them off of the camera, onto the computer, onto a blog post does not exist!  It has amazed me how long it takes to get anything done or get out of the house with the 3 of them, and Micah is a really easy baby!  I can't imagine how it would be if he was fussy!

The boys are all doing great, it just takes a lot to keep everyone fed, clothed, fed again, potty runs, change diapers, fed again, pick up the glass of spilled milk, remind them not to run their bikes INTO the side of the van, remind another not to use 15 pumps of soap to wash his hands, feed the baby again, turn down the boiling over pot that has lunch cooking in it, etc.  And that was just all today and it's not even 4:00 yet!  :) 

One reason it takes me a long time to get anything done, IF I get anything done is because Micah has been eating every 1 1/2 - 2 hours.  And when it takes a good half hour to feed him, that takes up a huge chunk of my day.  He is also doing this at night, which means not much sleep for me.  Thankfully, my strength is renewed each day and we are still functioning.  When Micah is 4 weeks, we are going to try pumping and giving him a bottle so I can sleep through a feeding a get a better chunk of sleep.

It has been really funny to watch the boys learn about nursing.  The first time I nursed Micah at home, Kameron asked what I was doing and what those parts were.  So I was explaining that it's mama's chest and it's just a miracle how a mama has a baby and then her body starts making milk to feed her baby.  Their comments were:  Brenner - "Yeah, babies need lots of milk and chest" Kameron - "I can't wait until I get a miracle and can feed Micah too!"  So sweet.  One morning I woke up to find Kameron sticking breast pads onto this pajamas. 

Travis and I cannot agree on who Micah looks like.  I say Kameron and he says Brenner.  I am going to find a 3 week pic of each of the boys to compare and maybe somehow find a time to even make it a blog post. :)

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