It seems like for a long time, it felt like we didn't really have a lot to do to prepare for this little guy to come. I felt like I had a lot of stuff and wouldn't need to get much, and then as it got closer, my memory started coming back about some of the essentials I feel like I need with a newborn. So I started ordering things on Amazon, our friends threw a really sweet couples shower for us and family and friends have sent gifts and I am feeling much more prepared!
We never did a "nursery" for Brenner. He was in our room for a long time, and then had a crib in our guest room. The 3rd room in our house was never re-done like the rest of our house. We had switched out all the trim in our house to white and painted every room, except in this one. So we decided to use this as an excuse to actually finish this room. Travis did an amazing job putting up a chair rail and white trim and I painted and we love how it came together! Brenner still sleeps in a crib in this room, so even though it says Micah on the wall, it's kind of Brenner's room for the time being. Micah will be in our room for a while, and when we're ready to move him to this room, we'll move Brenner in with Kameron.
This is me at 37 weeks.
We decided that we wanted to cloth diaper again. I loved doing it with Kameron, and did for a while after Brenner was born. But when I had 2 little guys in diapers for over a year, it was just really hard to keep up with all the laundry they created and I was happy if I could just stay on top of diaper changes! So I went back to disposables and just had never gotten back into cloth diapering. I get strangely excited about cute diapers, so this is the stash that I have for Micah! I can't wait for him to be born so I can start using them. :)
Our small group threw a couples shower for us and we had so much fun. A couple people had put together little "survival" kits for Travis as well with things like beer, earplugs, coffee gift cards, etc. It was so much fun just to celebrate Micah's arrival. Being the 3rd child, it's just so different than the 1st time. Thankfully we have a lot of friends and family that are VERY excited about him arriving, but it was fun to actually have a little party to celebrate our new son. We feel so blessed to be given another child and loved having people pray over us and him and anticipate his arrival.
I don't really have a huge sweet tooth, but this pregnancy it is in full force! I just want chocolate ALL the time! One night I decided I really want chocolate covered strawberries and now it's hard for me not to have some every single night. :) After a few nights, I realized that I could save time and not melt the chocolate and just eat some strawberries and chocolate chips. It's become my nightly obsession. :)